INSTANT STYLE FORMULA: Choose Your Core Wardrobe Colors Using These 10 Colors!

OK. So here are the 10 colors to help you choose your Best Neutrals using Yang and Yin principle from the Korean O-bang-saek method! Please note that these are very rough web approximations. I've created these palettes using and the photos I've gotten from my Internet research. Please also note that I am not a certified Color specialist nor an academic. Please feel free to take what works for you and discard the rest!!!

These 5 colors are your Yang Colors

Yellow / Blue / Red / Black / White

These 5 colors are your Yin Colors
Green / Light blue / Salmon Pink / Tan / Purple

Now, depending on your hair, eye, and skintone colors & your lifestyle goals and needs, you want to come up with your Core Wardrobe Colors.

These are the colors from my hair, eye, skintone.

My core wardrobe colors that have supported me over the years...
my go-to-colors...

Now when you compare these two charts, you'll notice two things: a) 3 of my go-to colors are basically a repeat of my hair, eye, skin color! b) The other 2 colors are a version of blue and a version of red. In the Yang-Yin color palettes, you'll notice that my midnight blue is from the Yang palette, and that my red color is from the Yin palette. You'll also notice that both of these colors are as deep as my black hair color!

Of course, I am not saying that you should always wear what you've worn in the past. But if you're an adult you can probably think back on all those years you've dressed yourself and figure out your go-to-colors that have never failed you.

From this point on then, unless you're going to throw out everything you've got and start from scratch in building your wardrobe, it would serve you well to stock up on your go-to-colors for all of your basic clothing needs that will become your Key Wardrobe Items.

After you've gotten them completed, then you can think about the colors you would like to  wear. Me personally, I am very drawn to these combination of colors:

What I could do instead of rushing out to shop though, is to try things out on Polyvore and see what items I am going to buy in what order, and what color/design lines/fabric textures/budget I'm going to have, as well as which areas of my wardrobe has the most critical gap. 

OK then! I hope these help you to move you along in creating your Core Wardrobe Colors! Remember color is strategy!!


