Jennifer Skinner's Articles on Wardrobe Planning -- VS Project 333 VS Capsule Wardrobe VS Clothing Clusters

That title took up A LOT of space there!! :-)

Well. I guess this is what I've been dabbling with in the past year or so.
This whole search into fashion/style/wardrobe is an on-going mental tug-of-war for me now! With so many systems available, it is to be expected I guess!

First of all, I would REALLY recommend for you to read Jennifer Skinner's articles!!

There was a lot of articulate thinking over there for sure!
She has already 'canvassed' a lot of the fashion systems, including the popularized Capsule Wardrobe, and I must say, I really agree with her on this!

To summarize the 4+ things I've mentioned in the title though:

1. Jennifer Skinner's Solution: Have 6 bottoms and 12 tops. I'm guessing she means 12 different tops though! I haven't tried her suggestion yet, but I might get round to it soon.

2. Project 333: To wear 33 items for 3 months. You can switch items out which gives you flexibility. But it does force you to edit and whittle down your wardrobe to 33 items for any segment of time you're doing the challenge! I've actually tried this last year with some success, and some failure... On the one hand, I absolutely LOVED having only 33 items IN MY WARDROBE! It was like starting each day, inside my very own personalized boutique like closet!! :-) Hmmm... kinda makes me want to start that process all over again!! But I gotta admit though, the editing process WAS really tough! That More is More is More mentality IS hard to shake for me! The tougher part came with the weather changes; about a month or 6 weeks into the program, the weather got drastically cold. I started switching things out, and then shopping for new items, and then, I totally lost count of my 33! I fell off the wagon, and I couldn't put myself back onto it, with end of year approaching, fuzzy thinking, and then later on other things like moving/househunting, intensives (longer work hours), and end of year/new year celebrations...

3. Capsule Wadrobe: Actually I think the Capsule Wardrobe has 2 different camps. One is the older but more intricate system that Nancy Nix-Rice offers, and the other is the one I saw on ExpertVillage YouTube series. They are both color based theories; and they both suggest you start your capsule wardrobe based on 3 colors. Having the cohesiveness helps; but it is no way as flexible as Dressing Your Truth's guidelines for the 4 types. I have a need for variety, so I've found it hard to even begin on trying this route! The extreme version of this would be the Dozen Formula, but for me, laundering would be an issue with this type of 'extreme minimalism.'

4. Wardrobe Clustering: This is one of the newer concepts I saw from the Sterling Style Academy's video! I totally love how chic and aesthetically pleasing their selections are! But then again, my actual days spent teaching requires a lot more practical considerations... The concept itself sounds pretty convincing though; she suggests you start by picking out a formal jacket or coat as a starting point, then add items from your existing wardrobe of what goes together with that 'Cluster' -- the clusters can be of any size and number though. Hmmm. Maybe this is the approach I should try next??

OK. I will have to stop here now. Past my bedtime!
But I hope these were thought provoking enough for you, Stylish Readers!

Love & Joy to you!

