My Beauty Code & '14 S/S First Beauty Bundle

Recently, my fashion group friends have been having fun discovering their Color Profile from a website called 'My Beauty Code.'

Click here to discover yours:

I wasn't fully convinced that the results had much significance until, I started working on my first Beauty Bundle just now!

My silver/essence dawn pink beauty bundle
I might need to update my silver shoe category here.
I was surprised that this grouping reminded me of the Blue Purple palette from Beauty Code! 

My beauty code color profile~*
I think my friends called this the Summer palette.

This is a Zyla palette I made using Pantone colorchips, and converting them to digital format. Being Asian though, I think the stark contrast I have, as well as my skintone skews things a bit... I thought I was an Autumn.

Above: Here are my timeless 'go to' colors, proven over my experience.

Here are my hair, skin, eye colors from Chip It site. Actually, I think I might have had my hair colored to match my eyes though. 

This one taken in morning sunlight. The reddish brown in my eyes are more noticeable here.

Above: Colors from the pinkish part of my hand.
I like the fact that my Blue Purple palette has similar pinks and lilacs in them!

Above: Thanks Jane Rekas for gifting me this on my birthday!!
I think my Essence Color is a few shades lighter than this, and not as dull.
Check out Colorstrology for this. :D

Each month also has its colors!
Mine is quite close to my vein color!

Lolz. I asked my boyfriend what he thought of me,
and put them into a word cloud!

I liked these three colors the best after testing them out repeatedly.

Some of my favorite profile pictures have been in the colors from the palette above. However, I never feel good or look good in the dustier colors.

I tried them again today, but I felt my energy just drooping. DYT Type 2 colors, grayed and dulled colors are really my kryptonite! I didn't enjoy the silvers I wore today either.

So, as much as I enjoyed this as an 'Exercise' I don't think I'll create an entire wardrobe based on this.

Thanks for reading!!


