5 Weeks to a Fabulous Wardrobe - Group Challenge Begun!

In case anyone would like to join us, our fashion group is beginning our 3rd group challenge! We are using Imogen Lamport's booklet called "5 Steps to a Fabulous Wardrobe" and doing 1 step each week!

Our group began in January 2014, with efforts to do a '6 Weeks Without Shopping' challenge, as set forth by Jill Chivers.

Many of us met whilst doing Project 333 and Dressing Your Truth, but we were ALSO striving to actively 'NOT shop' during the 6 week period.

So far, we have completed 2 cycles of the '6 Weeks Without Shopping' Challenge, and we've also had an interim one, where we did a 'Replacement' Challenge.

We are actively trying to explore our options, and trying make sense of this Fashion-Zoo out there! And it's been working out great so far, with many of us going whole 6 weeks without any shopping, with less urges to shop recreationally, and with some of us even getting to a stage where we are actively working on our budgets with ease, and getting creative with sewing our own stylish bags!

There is an overall a common goal to find and define our styles further, whilst keeping our houses more minimalist and decluttered.

If you are interested, you can find us on Facebook:
6 Weeks Without Shopping (Fashion Support Group)


And may you have the BEST stylish & easy-going summer of your life!!!


Jessica Flatshoenista
