How 5 Tops, 5 Bottoms, and 3 Tank Tees Can Give Me a Wealth of Options for a Month of Work Outfits (Project 333 Insights)

Hi all~!!

I'm getting rather obsessive with my outfit maths!
Here are my August's 13 items, giving me a total of 75 outfits!

The 13 items are:
5 Tops
  • Black blouse
  • Gray shirt
  • White blouse
  • Red cardigan
  • Blue-orange checkered blouse
3  Tank Tees
  • Black tank tee
  • White tank tee
  • Red-white striped tank tee
5 Bottoms
  • Black pencil skirt
  • Ivory skirt
  • Dark denim jeans
  • White cotton skinny
  • Beige cotton skinny

Here are the fabulous 75 outfit combinations, ONLY using the 13 items!

1. Sheer Black Blouse (15 Combinations)
  • Sheer Black Blouse x Black Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms
  • Sheer Black Blouse x Red/White Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms
  • Sheer Black Blouse x White Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms

2. Gray Shirt (an Whoppin' 20 combinations~!!)
  • Gray Shirt x 5 Bottoms
  • Gray Shirt x Black Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms
  • Gray Shirt x White Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms
  • Gray Shirt x Red/White Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms

3. Red Cardigan (15 Combinations)
  • Red Cardigan x Red/White Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms
  • Red Cardigan x Black Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms
  • Red Cardigan x White Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms

4. White Blouse (15 Combinations)
  • White Blouse x Black Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms
  • White Blouse x Red/White Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms
  • White Blouse x White Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms

5. Blue-Orange Blouse (10 Combinations)
  • Blue-Orange Blouse x Black Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms
  • Blue-Orange Blouse x White Tank Tee x 5 Bottoms

I didn't get into the shoes, bags, and jewelry here; just the outfit combinations. Doing this takes time, but it is such a *mind blowing* exercise! I used to shop $200 easy in one shopping trip, thinking I had to get my hands on the latest trendy items in order to feel like I had ENOUGH to wear and enjoy.

As many of our beloved and respected gurus teach us, having more does not equal more options.

To illustrate how crucial *coordinating* makes ALL the difference, please compare my numbers 2 and number 5 outfit combinations.

Number 2 were examples of outfit combinations I could create based on my Gray Shirt and 3 tank tees. Unlike my sheer blouses which CANNOT be worn without tank tees underneath, the Gray Shirt gives me 20 combinations, which is 5 more than the rest of the work tops. This is because the Gray Shirt can be worn without tank tees, AND it can also be worn WITH the tank tees!

Compare that to my Number 5 combos. Here, my Blue-Orange Blouse clashes with the Red/White striped tank tee, so it immediately knocks off 5 combinations. Hence only 10 combinations.

I know that given how a lot of my chosen clothes this month are black/white/beige, some of the outfit combinations seem to feel 'alike' in some ways.

These outfit combinations were a necessary step for me to visually & tangibly appreciate the vastness of choices available to me. It's easy to think that my brain can compute all of these combinations, but that is a huge misstep. And one that used to cost me $$$ in my Shopaholic years!

Given how women can do their hairstyle & makeup differently, wear jewelry, and switch out bags and shoes, for any given work month, a well chosen cluster of 13 pieces can definitely go a long way for your Project 333!

That's all for tonight, beautiful radiant beings!

Namaste . . .

Jessica Flatshoenista
