Project 333 ::: October 2014 Revising My 33 for the Suddenly Cold Weather

So, this is the *challenging* month for Project 333ers . . .

As you all know, I've fallen off the Project 333 wagon before, and it was in the month of October. I live in a 4 seasons city, and October is that time when we suddenly switch from Summer to Winter clothes! I'm telling you, it never used to be like this... When I was younger, we actually HAD transitional weather, we actually HAD a 'Fall' season. Now, we call this new weirdo climate the 'New Desert Weather,' constantly flip flopping between Summer and Winter.

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So, tonight, I finally took out some Summer items. 
And replaced them with warmer ones...

Caption: Summer clothes out, Winter clothes in~

All warmed up, and ready for Winter~!
Yeah, it really looks like, the Fall weather kinda just skips right ahead to Winter. Because, this current weather ain't suitable for walking around in sweaters or knits...

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I've made some updates for my shoes, bag, and layering options too.

Caption: Gladiator sandals out, long boots in! And some add-on's...

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So, with all these ins and outs, and add-on's...
Here are the new REVISED COLLECTION for the rest of October's Project 333!

Thanks for reading~*

Stay warm my Flattie-Lovers :D

